Become a Guest Instuctor
By becoming a guest instructor we give you the chance to start your own business using our studio. We market your classes, provide a reservation platform, and help you make money. We have so many options to help you grow. Whether you want to instruct one time only, on a regular basis, or even start your own franchise we have ways to help you!
Request to be a Guest InstrutorHow it Works
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Choose Your Dates
We have set times and days that are for our staff instructors. Every other time that is available is for you. We place your events on our public calendar for all to see. As people book the event you get paid 100% of the tickets (less the fee for the booking company of 1.9% + 30 cents per reservation.)
Your Own Page on our Website
You will get your own “About You” page on our website that people can view your work, protfolio, and even link to your own store if you have one. We will also list all dates you have set to instruct on that page so folks know when and if you will return.
Studio Rental
You rent the studio from us by the hour for a low rate. You get access to the studio, one of our employees to assist you, and access to our remote technology for virtual classes. We stream all classes and ask that you would too. Don’t worry it is easy and our employee will assist you. If your event does not sell to your min limit and you chose to cancel the event you will not have to pay the studio rental.
You are responsible for your own supplies for the class. We can help you source them if you need. If it is a painting class you may use our supplies at cost (paint brushes will be included). We will also help you if you need to factor your supply costs into your ticket price. Please note that kits will need to be made in advance for virtual learners to pick up.
Choose your Ticket Price
Thats right you set your own ticket price. Don’t worry we can help you with this. We can help you factor in your rental and supply costs to ensure you make money. You may also set a minimum attendace so if your event does not sell by a certain time or date you may cancel your event. You will have to refund currently reserved customers .
Contract Options
You would sign a contract for each Rental dates. This contract basically includes respecting our brand, following our customer service guidelines, and your responsibilites while onsite. You may also elect to sign a contactor agreement and come on board as a contacted artist. This allows us to contact you for any special or offsite events as they come aup and you can earn extra money this way in your free time.
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MOn – Thurs
Per Hour
- 1 Assistant
- Use of Studio Equipment
- Free Marketing
- Your Own Web Page
Fri – Sun
One Time Fee
- 5 Optimized Pages
- Reservation System
- Marketing Your Events
- 3 Months of Site Maintenance
Full Day
Monthly Fee
- Your Own Location
- Advertising and Marketing
- Booking System
- Be Your Own Boss